Тиімділіктің негізгі көрсеткіштеріне қол жеткізудегі прогресс

Financial KPIS Operating KPIS Sustainability KPIS
-4% (US$m)
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Top-line indicator, heavily dependent on commodity prices but also driven by the delivery of production volumes.

Total cash cost
+24% (US$/GE oz)
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High-grade, full capacity utilisation and continued operational improvement, as well as foreign exchange rates and oil price are the key drivers behind total cash costs (TCC) per ounce.

All-in sustaining cash cost
+18% (US$/GE oz)
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All-in sustaining cash costs (AISC) are based on total cash costs and provides investors with better visibility into the true cost of production.

Capital expenditure
+42% (US$m)
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Our rigorous approach to all investment decisions ensures tight controls on capital expenditure, boosting the return on capital invested for shareholders and the sustainable development of the business.

Adjusted EBITDA
-15% (US$m)
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Adjusted EBITDA provides an indicator of our ability to generate operating cash flows from the current business.

Net debt
-37% (US$m)
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Net debt is a liquidity metric that determines how much debt a company has on its balance sheet relative to cash in hand.

Gold equivalent production
-10% (Koz)
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Annual target for gold equivalent (GE) production is an indicator to the market of our confidence in delivering stable and reliable growth.

Ore reserves
-9% (Moz)
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Extending life-of-mine through near-mine exploration and new discoveries from greenfield exploration both contribute to the Company’s long-term growth prospects.

GHG intensity (Scope 1+2)
+23% (kgCO2e/GE oz)
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In line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, we seek to decarbonise our operations by switching to low-carbon electricity supplies and mining fleet, generating more solar energy and improving energy efficiency. We aim to reduce our GHG intensity by 30% by 2030 and develop long-term goals further.

Freshwater use for processing intensity
-5% (m3/Kt of processed ore)
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Our approach is to minimise fresh water withdrawal by recycling water at our plants and capturing mine water and storm run-off for further reuse. Alongside monitoring water use volumes, we take full responsibility for the efficient treatment of water that we discharge to local water bodies.

Lost time injury frequency rate
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An improvement in the health and safety record at our operations, with a goal of zero fatalities, is a key priority. There were no fatal accidents in 2023.

Share of female employees
Stable (%)
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We value a diversity of views and backgrounds among our employees, aiming to attract more women to careers in the male-dominated mining industry. Our diversity action plan sets gender diversity targets for our existing development programmes and introduces new initiatives to inspire women into leadership roles.

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