Key facts

Location Kostanay Region, Kazakhstan
Ownership 100%
Operating mines Varvara, Komar
Key exploration projects Komar flanks, Baksy, Tavrichenskaya
Mining open-pit
Processing 3.2 Mtpa leaching for gold ore, 1.0 Mtpa flotation for copper ore
Ore reserves (JORC) 2.0 Moz GE, 1.2 g/t average grade
Mineral resources (JORC) 1.0 Moz GE, 1.5 g/t average grade
Production start date 2007 (operated by Solidcore from 2009)
Life of mine 2042
Employees 1,410
Key 2023 numbers
Location History Geology and Mineralisation Operations Reserves and Resources

Varvara is situated close to a well-developed industrial area in north-western Kazakhstan, 130 km south-west of the regional centre of Kostanai and 4 km from the Russian border. Varvara is accessible by a network of paved roads from Kostanai, and the railway via the Bataly Junction on the main international rail route (15 km away).

Additional 13 km railway spur constructed by Solidcore to facilitate bulk transportation of ore to the Varvara processing plant. The Komar gold deposit is located near the city of Zhitikara and approximately 187 km by rail from Varvara, with the nearest railway spur less than 2 km from the pit.


Varvara was first discovered in 1981 in the historic hard-rock gold-mining Urals Fold Belt. European Minerals Corporation (later Orsu Metals) acquired the rights to the deposit and subsequently built an open-pit mine, a 4.2 Mtpa processing plant and other supporting infrastructure.

Open-pit mining commenced in 2006 and the gold circuit of the processing plant became operational in December 2007, with the copper-gold circuit commencing in March 2008. Since reaching commercial production, Varvara has been unable to attain its planned levels of production for a variety of reasons.

After Solidcore acquired the asset, a massive turnaround plan was launched, including the appointment of a new management team and together with Solidcore Engineering, a new mine plan and updated ore reserves estimate. The post-acquisition turnaround plan was successfully completed in 2010. Solidcore made tremendous progress in terms of optimizing the systems and technologies of the extraction process and ore treatment process, resulting in a substantial increase in productivity. Solidcore also implemented a comprehensive system of grade control, which has significantly improved the output quality.

In 2016, in line with its processing hub strategy, Solidcore acquired the Komarovskoye deposit. The asset provides high-grade, open-pittable ounces at lower cash costs that are set to substantially increase production at the Varvara hub.

The mineralized bodies at Varvarinskoye are classic gold-copper skarn types that are primarily contained within the eastern side of the local fault and are associated with the border between geological formations. Copper-gold porphyry is overlaid with quartz-sulphide gold veins and scarn to produce very complex and geometrically complicated zones of economic mineralisation. Mineralisation is discontinuous over a strike length of 4 km and is divided into five zones.

The main primary copper mineral is chalcopyrite with some bornite. The gold is mostly in free form and associated with pyrites and other sulphides. A hallow oxidation zone occurs within 10 to 50 m below the surface. In this part of the Varvara deposit, copper is mostly represented by oxide minerals not amenable to conventional flotation.

Based on mineralogy and metallurgical characteristics, all mineralisation is divided into four types based on the degree of oxidation and copper grade:

  1. primary gold (copper less than 0.2 per cent.);
  2. primary copper (with gold present);
  3. oxide gold (copper less than 0.1 per cent.);
  4. oxide copper (with gold present).

Types 1 and 3 are processed through the leaching circuit and are known as leach ore. Type 2 is processed through the flotation circuit and is known as float ore. Type 4 is currently stockpiled separately and not processed.

Komarovskoye is a low-sulphide quartz gold deposit located along the contact of the granite intrusion. Mineralisation occurs within the fault zone and consists of steeply dipping quartz-carbonate-micaceous metasomatites hosted by schists. The overall strike length of Komarovskoye is approximately 6,800m with individual mineralised zones generally 500-600m in length, 4-6m in width. Oxidation depth is limited to 30-50m below surface.


Ore Reserves Tonnage, Mt Gold grade, g/t Silver grade, g/t Copper grade, % GE grade, g/t Gold, Koz Silver, Moz Copper, Kt GE, Koz
Varvara 19.0 0.9 - 0.5 0.9 551 - 40.6 551
Komar 19.9 1.6 - - 1.6 996 - - 996
Elevator 10.9 1.2 - - 1.2 421 - - 421
Total 49.8 - - - 1.2 1,967 - 40.6 1,967
Mineral Resources Tonnage, Mt Gold grade, g/t Silver grade, g/t Copper grade, % GE grade, g/t Gold, Koz Silver, Moz Copper, Kt GE, Koz
Varvara 8.7 1.1 - 0.57 1.1 299 - 9.7 299
Komar 7.5 1.9 - - 1.9 458 - - 458
Elevator 4.7 1.6 - - 1.6 240 - - 240
Total 20.8 - - - 1.5 997 - 9.7 997

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