Пайдалы қазбаларды өндірудің тіршілік кезеңі

Mining cycle

Our investment in the skills and expertise that support key competencies, backed by strong financial discipline, ensures a robust performance throughout the cycle.

We replenish reserves through active brownfield and greenfield exploration, and have a robust evaluation system to select high-quality assets for further development.


We have a track record of delivery on time and within budget, including growth projects in challenging locations without access to infrastructure.


We have a strong skill set in selective open-pit and underground mining, incorporating global best practices and robust grade and dilution control.


In the remote regions of our operation, we have acquired vital skills for inbound logistics of consumables and outbound transportation of ores and concentrates to make the best use of our hub strategy


We employ both conventional (such as flotation or heap leaching) and leading processing technologies (such as POX) that maximise recoveries at our plants.


We sell gold and silver bars, mainly to local banks, and precious metals concentrates to offtakers throughout the global market.


We manage the end-of mine life responsibly, employing environmental best practice and a duty of care to local communities during the closure/ rehabilitation process.


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