Financial highlights

Key numbers
Financial highlights Change
Revenue, US$m
Total cash cost, US$/GE oz
All-in cash cost, US$/GE oz
Adjusted EBITDA, US$m
Adjusted EBITDA margin, %
Average realised gold price, US$/ oz
Average LBMA gold price, US$/ oz
Average realised silver price, US$/ oz
Average LBMA silver price, US$/ oz
Net debt, US$m
Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA
Net operating cash flow, US$m
Capital expenditure, US$m
Revenue, US$m
Cost of sales, US$m
Gross profit, US$m
General, administrative and selling expense, US$m
Other operating expenses, US$m
Share of loss of associates and joint ventures, US$m
Operating profit/ (loss), US$m
Gain/ (loss) on disposal of subsidiaries, US$m
Foreign exchange gain/ (loss), net, US$m
Change in fair value of contingent consideration liability, US$m
Finance costs (net), US$m
Profit/ (loss) before income tax, US$m
Income tax (benefit) /expense, US$m
Profit/ (loss) for the financial year, US$m
Profit/loss for the period attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Parent, US$m
Earnings/ (loss) per share
Basic, US$
Diluted, US$
Property, plant and equipment, US$m
Goodwill, US$m
Investments in associates and joint ventures, US$m
Non-current loans and receivables, US$m
Deferred tax assets, US$m
Non-current inventories, US$m
Total non-current assets, US$m
Current inventories, US$m
Current VAT receivable, US$m
Trade and other receivables, US$m
Prepayments to suppliers, US$m
Income tax prepaid, US$m
Cash and cash equivalents, US$m
Total current assets, US$m
Total assets, US$m
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity, US$m
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities, US$m
Current borrowings, US$m
Income tax payable, US$m
Other taxes payable, US$m
Current portion of contingent consideration liability, US$m
Liabilities related to assets held for sale, US$m
Total current liabilities, US$m
Non-current borrowings, US$m
Contingent consideration liability, US$m
Deferred tax liabilities, US$m
Environmental obligations, US$m
Other non-current liabilities, US$m
Total non-current liabilities, US$m
Total liabilities, US$m
Net assets, US$m
Stated capital account, US$m
Share-based compensation reserve, US$m
Translation reserve, US$m
Retained earnings, US$m
Total equity, US$m
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity, US$m
Operating cash flows before changes in working capital, US$m
Changes in working capital, US$m
Total operating cash flows, US$m
Capital expenditure, US$m
Acquisition costs in business combinations and investments in associates and joint ventures, US$m
Other, US$m
Investing cash flows, US$m
Borrowings obtained, US$m
Repayment of borrowings, US$m
Dividends paid, US$m
Contingent consideration payment, US$m
Financing cash flows, US$m
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, US$m
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period, US$m
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, US$m
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period, US$m

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